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france: château de chenonceau

Of all the wonderful sights on the Rick Steves’ Paris & the Heart of France tour, none captured my heart like the Renaissance castle of Chenonceau. Full of royal intrigue, World War II history & maintained with such care, I could have easily spent all day exploring the grounds… hopefully this post inspires you to visit as well.
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Sandwiched between our time in DC, Rafa & I spent five nights in Maryland. My bestie’s parents —Suzanne & Jim— invited us last year, but we changed plans & went to Boston after finding insanely cheap airfare. Now that DC was our main destination again, getting to Annapolis was super easy; a whole new state for us to explore. Hello, Maryland!
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After traveling around the Pacific Northwest, the Midwest, the South & Boston with Rafa, this year seemed perfect for us to experience the national capitol together. My first & only visit was 19 years ago in 2004, & I mostly stuck to monuments & walking the city. I knew Rafa would put together a busy schedule, heavy with fantastic, free museums… we took advantage of our time in DC.
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Our fourth trip to Iowa together may have been quick, but we managed to do a lot in short time. And our sixth wedding anniversary even had a few surprises for Rafa… what’s up for this visit??
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At the beginning of our trip to Boston, we had a difficult time keeping city limits straight. Fantastic public transportation that seamlessly covers the entire area had us asking ourselves: is this a Boston neighborhood or is it a separate city? I think we have it figured out now 😉
Let’s continue the visit by city…
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