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year in review: 2013

2013, travel, year in review
● Where was I? Argentina, Uruguay, France, Spain, Portugal, UK, & Morocco.

…and the tradition continues. I do this mainly for personal reasons, but you’re welcome to revisit the past year with me. White asterisks above show release dates for Endless Mile guides. Let’s look back…

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cádiz: exorcising demons

España, Spain, Cádiz, Plaza de San Antonio

First a little background…

Even as a child, I had a strong desire to travel. Interests in biology & chemistry pointed me to medical school… but that proved only to be a distraction in the long run. I remember wading through the foreign language section in Memphis libraries for albums in Russian (yeah, that long ago!), books in basic Hawaiian or whatever French material I could find. Yet at the age of 27, I’d only managed to go as far as the Bahamas, Canada & México. When my ex landed a job as Assistant Director for the University of Washington’s Spanish program in Cádiz, I was all for it. Finally an opportunity to go to Europe! The year was 1998, & I knew the experience would change my life.

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argentine literature: una excursión a los indios ranqueles

A Visit to the Ranquel Indians, Lucio V. Mansilla, Eva Gillies

First off, a disclaimer. I probably should have read this book in Spanish. I loved “Don Segundo Sombra” & “Radiografía de la Pampa” in their original versions, but after struggling with gaucho terminology & words that most Argentines today would not recognize, I decided to see if there was an English translation available. Not only did Amazon have it, but everyone raved about the translation. And it was annotated!! “A Visit to the Ranquel Indians” has been waiting patiently on the bookshelf since January…

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montevideo: final thoughts

Montevideo, Uruguay, sunset, atardecer, Punto Carrasco

After only three visits, no doubt I’d developed a certain fondness for Montevideo. With a fantastic coastline, the promise of even more areas to explore & very friendly people, it’s a good thing I liked the city… because Darío & I were about to move there! He’d been offered a job & even accepted it. Then we began to look at the numbers again, inquire what my residency status would be, etc. & suddenly the move didn’t seem like such a good idea.

But hopefully I’ll have the opportunity to visit Montevideo again. Here are few more photos that didn’t really fit in any of the other posts. The airport in Carrasco is impressive… great design, modern, clean & with free wi-fi!

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