Let’s start this new category off with photos from my very first visit to Buenos Aires. Of course I saw most of the typical tourist places, but of note are a couple of buildings that are no longer with us: the curvy Opera Bay disco at the north end of Puerto Madero & the original version of the Teatro Astros on Avenida Corrientes.
Other observations: the Casa Rosada had little to no security & a only makeshift fence to keep the occasional tourist away. Remember this was prior to the December 2001 economic crisis, the peso had been pegged to the dollar since the ’90s & prices were quite high. Argentina was off most everyone’s radar back then. Note that the Riachuelo had yet to be cleared of derelict boats (and that unforgettable aroma). Also, no one cared that cables were strung across Avenida 9 de Julio, interrupting the view of the Obelisco. The Cabildo needed some TLC as well.
On a personal note, little did I realize that I would be moving to Buenos Aires at the end of that year. What an amazing beginning of a 14-year adventure!
Hope you enjoy these photos. Read about the genesis of this project, & comment below if you remember this time.
© 2000 Robert Wright. Any copying, usage, or reproduction of the images above requires owner consent.