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milano: cimitero monumentale

Milan, Milano, Cimitero Monumentale

Argentine sources like to rank what some claim to be the top three cemeteries in the world: Père Lechaise, Staglieno & Recoleta… but I’m not sure I can agree with that list after visiting the Cimitero Monumentale in Milan. Rankings are far from impartial, so I’ll go out on a limb & say it: Recoleta has nothing on Milan’s main cemetery. It’s much bigger & packed with even more gorgeous statuary. It’s greener & extremely well maintained. One thing is for sure: if I lived in Milan, I’d start AfterLife II!

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milano: unexpected trip

No sooner had we arrived in Lisbon & Darío wanted to go to Italy… to buy shirts. Love it. He presented the idea as: “Want to go Rome? I’ll pay for the plane ticket & the hotel.” How could I deny an offer like that? But flights didn’t work for the weekend he wanted, so I suggested Milan. I hadn’t been in about 10 years, plus it’s a world fashion capital. Suddenly we were off to Italy in May.

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