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buenos aires: estanislao pirovano, biography

Buenos Aires, Recoleta, Estanislao Pirovano, Escuela Argentina Modelo

As a major metropolitan area with such a rich & undeniably unique architectural heritage, much remains to be discovered in Buenos Aires. The city hides plenty of secrets. Less-transited areas often have beautiful buildings designed by formerly popular architects… who have now fallen into oblivion. Plans disappear, some works are demolished, and no one even records when they were born or when they died.

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glasgow: architecture

Scotland, Glasgow, Brunswick Street, R.W. Billings

As is the case with most European cities, religious buildings are some of the oldest remaining. Glasgow is no different. The cathedral has its origins in the early 1100’s with most of the exterior finished by the 1400’s. Not as large as I expected, the church’s unrestored façade is beautiful Gothic although the building is dwarfed by the adjacent Royal Infirmary. Glasgow Necropolis, on the opposite hill, offers some wonderful perspectives of the cathedral… as well as lots of architectural treats:

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glasgow: first impressions

Glasgow, train station

Some people questioned my decision to stay four nights in Glasgow & only two in Edinburgh. Everyone assured I’d be happier spending more time in Edinburgh. But after reading a bit about the former industrial scene in Glasgow & the city’s revival in recent years, I knew I’d want as much time as possible to explore. Glasgow certainly did not disappoint. And just like Bogotá earlier this year, I couldn’t understand why the largest city in Scotland receives so little tourism.

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