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buenos aires: parque de la memoria

Buenos Aires, Belgrano, Parque de la Memoria, 30.000, Nicolás Guagnini

Since verdicts were passed last night in what the local press called the “Megacausa ESMA,” it seemed appropriate to take a walk today around one of the newer parts of Buenos Aires I’d yet to explore: the Parque de la Memoria. ESMA is an acronym for the Naval Academy, the setting for some of the most brutal torture experienced by desaparecidos during the last military dictatorship. Trials against military personnel involved in those crimes were reopened in 2005, & bit by bit the more notorious figures are being given life sentences.

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photo essay: sydney, watsons bay

Australia, Sydney, Watsons Bay

A little background for new readers… thanks to my best friend & her partner, I had the opportunity to live in Sydney for 7 months between 2008-09. Amazing experience & a much needed break from Buenos Aires. Watsons Bay is located where all that water empties into the Tasman Sea —the space between Australia & New Zealand. Literally the edge of the continent. I catsat there a couple times in this fantastic house (used in a photo shoot for the Ikea catalog!), only 30 seconds from the beach. Rough life 🙂

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buenos aires: identity & branding

Buenos Aires, emblemas

Recently the city government completed a major project that involved a massive amount of coordination: adopting an official coat-of-arms for each of the 48 barrios in Buenos Aires. Originating from a 1989 decree, a local committee was responsible for the selection of each design based on the following criteria: neighborhood history, ethnic groups, urban planning & prominent activities.

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business: new beginnings

Endless Mile, new beginnings

Last month, founding partner Jeff Barry decided to leave Endless Mile in order to pursue other projects. He will be missed, & his departure meant that EM had some tough choices to make. Jeff was responsible for app programming as well as website development —two big gaps to fill. But Endless Mile will survive 🙂

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tucumán: cementerio del oeste

Argentina, Tucumán, San Miguel de Tucumán, Cementerio del Oeste

Whenever I visit somewhere for the first time in Argentina, I automatically think about its most famous residents. There may be family plot in the local cemetery or more information to add to my Recoleta Cemetery blog. No, I’m not morbid… however cemeteries are great equalizers, filled with history & wonderful architecture. Seeing how people are remembered also helps understand what they represent today. So I began digging into the history of San Miguel de Tucumán.

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tucumán: city center

Argentina, Tucumán, San Miguel de Tucumán, street scene, Art Deco

The ride from Cafayate to Tucumán was a lot longer than we’d estimated, & the scenery wasn’t very interesting until we got closer to Tafí del Valle. So I read. As we rode into San Miguel de Tucumán along Avenida Presidente Néstor Kirchner, Darío & I gave each other a suspicious look… it seemed like an urban planner’s nightmare. Our first impression didn’t improve much after navigating through a sea of people at the bus terminal. Absolute chaos. I guess the cute & quaint part of our vacation was over.

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