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argentine literature: una excursión a los indios ranqueles

A Visit to the Ranquel Indians, Lucio V. Mansilla, Eva Gillies

First off, a disclaimer. I probably should have read this book in Spanish. I loved “Don Segundo Sombra” & “Radiografía de la Pampa” in their original versions, but after struggling with gaucho terminology & words that most Argentines today would not recognize, I decided to see if there was an English translation available. Not only did Amazon have it, but everyone raved about the translation. And it was annotated!! “A Visit to the Ranquel Indians” has been waiting patiently on the bookshelf since January…

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montevideo: final thoughts

Montevideo, Uruguay, sunset, atardecer, Punto Carrasco

After only three visits, no doubt I’d developed a certain fondness for Montevideo. With a fantastic coastline, the promise of even more areas to explore & very friendly people, it’s a good thing I liked the city… because Darío & I were about to move there! He’d been offered a job & even accepted it. Then we began to look at the numbers again, inquire what my residency status would be, etc. & suddenly the move didn’t seem like such a good idea.

But hopefully I’ll have the opportunity to visit Montevideo again. Here are few more photos that didn’t really fit in any of the other posts. The airport in Carrasco is impressive… great design, modern, clean & with free wi-fi!

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montevideo: el prado

Uruguay, Montevideo, El Prado, map

Located north & further inland from the Ciudad Vieja, the area that comprises El Prado began as an agricultural zone with large farms & only a few roads. But Montevideo under siege in the 19th century drove upper class families away from the city center. Villas with large gardens popped up everywhere in El Prado, attempting to maintain the area’s rural character. Although many mansions disappeared by the beginning of the 20th century, several survived & have been repurposed. For example…

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found: argentina travel posters

Argentina, travel poster, Aerolíneas Argentinas, routes

As a tour guide, I’m often interested in how destinations market themselves. How do cities or nations identify themselves to potential visitors? The golden age of travel may be long gone, but its memory persists in the guise of travel posters. Interestingly, Argentina used to portray itself as a nature destination & stressed the gaucho & beef… nothing about tango (at least in the posters I found) & only one hyping Buenos Aires. How times have changed.

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porto: festa de são joão

Porto, Portugal, Festa de São João

Tonight’s the night!

What is often labeled as one of the best parties in Europe is about to take place & unfortunately I won’t be there… but I once was, back in 2010! Many of the cities I’ve visited recently have been preparing for their own festivities, reminding me of the fantastic time I had in Porto. In fact, the party is so important that it is broadcast to the entire nation:

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