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come & knock on our door

I’ve been watching the second season DVDs of Three’s Company that I bought in DC. And for the life of me, I can’t figure out why I like that show. It’s got good slapstick humor, but it isn’t that funny. It’s got good characters, but they lack any depth. It’s full of sexual innuendo, but no one has sex. In spite of everything, I continue to watch it.

Maybe part of it is the whole late 1970s vibe. The clothes are sometimes funnier than the jokes. And the sets… well, I just picture myself in Santa Monica dropping in on Jack, Janet & Crissy & hanging out 🙂

It’s still 1000º here, & I’ve made my last trip to Recoleta Cemetery for a while. The map should be done by tonight. Yea! I’ll still have to go back frequently, mark it up & do some fine-tuning, but at least that major hurdle is almost done.

I thought I was going to get a new wire for my braces today, but the dentist just tightened me up again. She said she’ll do it before I go to Seattle. We’re both really happy with how my teeth are finally getting together. Also, Tonja & I tried to decide which digital SLR to buy… too many options!!! Help!!!

[A little lo-fi nostalgia… original content from Line of Sight, reposted to commemorate 20 years of blogging. Learn more.]

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